On 05/06/2020, Tripura PSC announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed Any Graduate for the position of Forest Service Grade-II.
Company Name |
Tripura PSC |
Name |
Forest Service Grade-II |
No of
Posts |
6 Posts |
Location |
Agartala |
Date to Apply |
08/07/2020 |
Qualification Details:
Online applications are invited from bonafide citizens Of India for recruitment to 06 (six) (SC-02 , ST-OI & UR-03) permanent posts Of Tripura Forest Service Grade-II, Group-A Gazetted under GA (P & T) Department, Govt. Of Tripura in the pay Matrix Level 14 Of the Tripura State Pay Matrix, 2018.
1. Posts: Forest Service Grade-II
2. No.of. Posts: 06
3. Educational Qualification: A candidate must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Science of any recognized University or equivalent with at least on Engineering (Agriculture /Chemical /Civil/Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical), Forestry, Geo Horticulture, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Zoology or Honours Certificate holder from any of the Government Forest Rangers College Provided he/she is sponsored by State/Union Territories.
4. Desirable- Knowledge in Bengali.
Age: Age:- A candidate shall not be below 21 years and above 40 Years as on basis of Madhyamik, Higher Secondary or equivalent examination certificate or Admit Card. Provided that the upper age limit is relax-able by 5 years for the candidates belonging to SC, ST & Governments Servants
Application Fee: (a) Group-A Posts: - Rs.300/- (Rupees Two Hundred) only for UR Candidates and Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty) only for ST/SC/BPL card holders Candidates. Recruitment fee so deposited is non refundable. (b) SC/ST Candidates of other States (not recognized by the Govt. of Tripura) must deposit fee as UR Candidates. (c) If a candidate submits incomplete application in respect of terms & condition of the Advertisement and without requisite recruitment fee, his/her candidature will be reject
Important information:
1. Online Application Portal:
(a) Candidates will have to submit application through Online Application Portal only. Before submission of online application, read carefully the instruction to candidates.
(b) Online Application Portal will be available on Commission’s website from (5.30 PM). Before applying for the post, an applicant shall register his/her bio through One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) on the Com applicant registers his/her particulars, a User ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID. Applicants need to apply for the post using the OTPR User I Commission’s website.
(c) Applicants should avoid submitting multiple applications. However, if due to any unavoidable circumstances, any applicant submits multiple applications then he/she must ensure that the application with latest Receipt Number is complete in all respects.
(d) In case of multiple applications, the application with latest Receipt Number shall only be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one Receive Number shall not be adjusted against any other Receipt Number.
(e) Before submission of Online Application candidates should read detailed Scheme of Examination available at www.tpsc.gov.in.
(f) The candidates must select 2(two) optional subjects each having two papers from the list of optional papers as in Para-2(a) of the main examination syllabus. The names of optional subjects with papers as chosen by the candidates cannot be changed after submission of application.
2. (a) Candidates are not required to upload with their applications any certificate in support of their claims regarding Age, Educational Qualifications, Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes etc.
(b) Applicants must be in possession of the prescribed minimum qualification(s) for the Service on the closing date for submission of application as mentioned in the advertisement. Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted for the Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Personality Test will be purely provisional, subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of admission certificate to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission. Preliminary Examination qualified candidates will be asked to submit all required documents at the Commission’s Office. On scrutiny of documents, if a candidate found ineligible as per terms & condition of the Advertisement (including prescribed Recruitment fee) his /her candidature will be rejected.
Selection Procedure :
(a) The Examination will be held in three successive stages namely (i) Preliminary Examination (Multiple Choice type question pattern only) (ii) Main Examination (Pattern of Question in Main Examination will be as mentioned in the latest syllabus) and (iii) Personality Test. The Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Personality Test will carry 200 marks, 700 marks and 70 marks respectively. (b) In case of Preliminary Examination (Multiple Choice type question under OMR pattern) there shall be negative marking of ¼(One-fourth) of the marks assigned to that question for each wrong answer/multiple answers. (c) The paper General Knowledge of Main Examination will consist of 100 MCQ type question and will be conducted under OMR pattern. There shall be negative marking of ¼(One-fourth) of the marks assigned to that question for each wrong answer/multiple answers. (d) A limited number of candidates, maximum 10 (ten) times of total posts (category wise) will be selected merit wise on the basis of the result of the Preliminary Examination, subject to securing minimum qualifying marks as fixed by the Commission. These selected candidates will be allowed to appear in the Main Examination. The selected candidates on the basis of the results of the Main Examination will be allowed to appear in the Personality Test. Physical Standard/ Physical Fitness and Medical Examination.
How to Apply :
The last date of submission of online application is 08.07.2020 .The application(s)received after the closing date will not be entertained. Date of Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, Personality Test etc. will be notified in due course.
"govtorsarkarinaukri" wishes you all the best for your bright future. I hope and request you please keep following www.govtorsarkarinaukri.blogspot.com for latest govt/sarkari jobs update.
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