Friday, 5 June 2020

Fresh Sarkari Job 2020 PAN India : NIA Hiring Biology Expert - Salary Rs. 1,77,500 - Apply Now
Sarkari Job 2020 in PAN India

On 05/06/2020, NIA announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed M.Sc for the position of Biology Expert.

Company Name


Post Name

Biology Expert

No of Posts

1 Post


Rs. 56,100 - Rs. 1,77,500/-Per Month

Job Location

Guwahati, Raipur, Lucknow, Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad

Last Date to Apply


Qualification Details:

1. Name of the post : Biology Expert

2. Nos. of post : 1 Post on deputation (ISTC) basis (subject to variation depending on vacancies)

3. Scale of pay : Pay Matrix Level- 10 (Rs 56,100 - 1,77,500) (pre-revised PB-3 with GP Rs. 5400/-)

4. Eligibility Criteria for deputation (ISTC) to NIA: 

(A) Officers under the Central Government / State Government / Universities / recognized Research Institution / Union Territories/ Public Sector Undertakings / Semi-Government, Statutory Bodies or Autonomous organization:-

(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/ department; or

(ii) with 02 years service in the grade 0 n regular basis in posts in the pay Band — 2 Pay Band-2, Pay Scale of Rs, 9300-34800/- with GP Rs 4800/- or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or

(iii) with 03 years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the posts in the Pay Band — 2, Pay Band-2, pay Scale of Rs. 9300- 348001-with GP Rs 4600 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and

(B) possessing the following educational qualifications and experiences:- 

(i) M. SC, Degree in Human Biology / Microbiology / Zoology / Anthropology (physical) / Botany or M.Sc in Forensic Science with Biology / Zoology as one Of the subjects at B.Sc level from a recognized university.

ii. 03 years' experience in Biological Laboratory.

5. Deputation (ISTC) : The other terms and conditions of deputation will be government as laid down in the Govt. of India, DoP&T 0M No. 6/08/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time.

Age: The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation(ISTC) shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.


NIA HQ Opposite CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Selection Procedure :

Selection Will be Based on deputation/ absorption basis

How to Apply :

1. It is request d that the above advertisement may kindly be circulated among all Departments / Institutions / Offices under your charge and also hosted their websites. The nominations of eligible and willing offcers alongwith following documents should reach the NIA HQ Opposite CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 through proper channel within 02 months from the date of publication of this item in Employment News.

2. Last date of Application: 02.08.2020

3. The eligibility criteria and application form as well as Recruitment Rules are also available on NIA website

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