Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Sarkari Naukri in West Bengal 2020: ZSI Hiring for Project Associate-I - Salary Rs. 31,000 - Apply Now
Sarkari Naukri in Kolkatta

On 03/06/2020, ZSI announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed M.Sc for the position of Project Associate-I.

Company Name


Post Name

Project Associate-I

No of Posts

1 Post


Rs. 31,000/-Per Month

Job Location


Last Date to Apply


Qualification Details:

Applications are invited for the purely temporary posts of One (1) Project Associate-I (PA-I) for eight months (8 months) based on performance and requirement in ZSI, under the project entitled 'Assessment of population status and impacts of feral dogs on wildlife, livestock and humans to design a feral dog management strategy in the Lahaul•Pangi landscape of Himachal Pradesh' funded under secure-Himalaya project, Department of Forest, Government of Himachal Pradesh.
1. Posts: Project Associate-I

2. No.of. Posts: 01

3. Project Objectives: 1. To assess distribution, population, and density of feral/free-ranging dogs in the Lahaul-Pangi landscape of Himachal Pradesh. 2. To assess the interactions and impacts of feral dogs on wildlife, livestock, and humans in the Lahaul- Pangi landscape. 3. To assess main food sources and quantify the availability of main food sources of feral dogs in human-dominated and wilderness areas. 4. To design a comprehensive strategy for feral dog management

4. Remuneration: ProjectAssociate-l@ Rs. 31 ,000/- (Consolidated)/ Month + Admissible HRA

5. Essential Qualification Desirable Experience for the posts: 1. ProjectAssociate-l Qualification: M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life Sciences/ Life Sciences.'Wildlife/Environmental Sciences/Forestry/ Biodiversity & Conservation or equivalent in any branch of biological Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.

6. Desirable Experience: Experience Iknowledgehnterest collection/Geoinformatics/WiIdIife Ecology/GIS/ Climate change on field data

Age: Age Limit: The upper age limit is 35 yearsas on date of interview.Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.

General Instructions:

1. Application to be submitted by email only ( There is no hard copy solicited and shall be entertained for the purpose. Except for application in the prescribed format in electronic copy (MS WORD FILE), no other documents need to be attached with the email.

2. The documents in support of educational qualifications and work/research experiences shall be verified and the original documents (even after selection), if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass the facts, such applicant will not be considered for selection and due action will be implemented.

3. Candidate selected will be liable to posted anywhere, and will have to join immediately after their selection within one week.

4. The application form can be downloaded from the Zoological Survey of India website

5. Candidates should submit the duly filled-in application on or before 17th June 2020addressed to the Director, ZSI, Kolkata – 700 053 by email ( /

6. Candidate will be shortlisted on the basis of their qualification and experience.
7. Mere possession of qualification and experience may not entertain a candidate called for interview or selection.

8. For any clarification you may please contact The Principal Investigator, SECURE-Himalaya project, Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata – 700 053. E-mail: Mobile: +91-9756605304.

9. The Director, Zoological Survey of India reserves the right of selection or rejection of a candidature including cancellation of the advertisement without assigning any reason.


Zoological Survey of India, Prani Vigyan Bhawan, M-block, new Alipore, Kolkata – 700 053

Selection Procedure :

Candidate will be shortlisted on the basis of their qualification and experience. Mere possession of qualification and experience may not entertain a candidate called for interview or selection.

How to Apply :

Application to be submitted by email only ( There is no hard copy solicited and shall be entertained for the purpose. Except for application in the prescribed format in electronic copy (MS WORD FILE), no other documents need to be attached with the email.The documents in support of educational qualifications and work/research experiences shall be verified and the original documents (even after selection), if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass the facts, such applicant will not be considered for selection and due action will be implemented.Candidates should submit the duly filled-in application on or before 17th June 2020addressed to the Director, ZSI, Kolkata – 700 053 by email ( / The application form can be downloaded from the Zoological Survey of India website

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